Excited about selling brand new Lumineq EL displays manufactured by Beneq. In this blog we will put up some important information about buying used and new displays online and to be mindful of the possible downfalls of purchasing used pulled displays. Also we will show you what to look for in terms of date codes so you will be more informed about the date of manufacture of your used or new displays. This information will be important regardless if you are the end user or a supply house re-seller. The age of your display becomes especially important for those customers that have a quality program installed with shelf life limitations. There are also tricks of the trade to spot hidden burn-in that a seller might do to mask a used display. In the coming months we will discuss the electroluminescent display in detail. The non-thermal generation of light from the application of an electric field is fascinating and was first discovered in 1936 by a French physicist named Destriau.
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